

  • Early in 2024, we updated our biennial Materiality Assessment to identify and prioritize the ESG issues of greatest importance to our stakeholders as well as our business.

    The results of the 2023 materiality assessment in comparison to our 2021 baseline indicate that water management, labour relations, security and human rights, and waste and hazardous materials management are the most salient factors. These factors are becoming more prominent and impacting company value, performance, or access to capital within both short and longer timeframes.

    The assessment also identified the emergence of geopolitics and ESG governance as new core factors of most interest to investors and other capital market participants. Together, the factors above have the highest priority inclusion in ESG strategy, policies, practices and external disclosures.


    Learn more about Orla’s approach to ESG


    ESG Scorecard

    To measure our progress and drive impact around our ESG actions, we have set targets and defined key performance indicators. The following scorecard shows our performance.

    1. A fatality that occurs to a direct or indirect employee while engaged in a legal work activity or present at the site of the incident as a requirement of his/her job.
    2. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate = (lost time injuries x 1,000,000) / person hours. Only our operating mine, Camino Rojo.
    3. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate including Camino Rojo and exploration project in Panama, with the inclusion of South Railroad in 2023.
    4. Community disputes that caused production disruption and cataloged as severe or extreme; represents social license to operate
    5. Significant environmental incident is defined as incidents level 4 or 5 according to the USEPA.
    6. Local communities are those that are directly influenced by our operations, and exploration and development projects.
    7. The decrease is due to an increase in the management team and not a reduction in female representation.

    * Includes Camino Rojo mine in Mexico, South Railroad exploration projects in the U.S., and Panama.
    ** Includes Camino Rojo only


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